Terms and condition of use

These terms and conditions of use describe the conditions under which the company Learn & Go, having its registered office at 43 Square de la Mettrie 35700 Rennes (hereinafter, “Learn & Go” or “the Publisher”), provides its Kaligo application (hereinafter, “the Application”).

Last update : 10th July 2023


These terms and conditions of use define your rights and obligations as a regular user of the Application who has control over the submitted content (hereinafter referred to as the “User”).

We invite you to read them carefully before starting to use the Application. To summarise:

  • You undertake to use the Kaligo© website and Application within the framework of the laws in force.
  • We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and are respectful of your personal data.
  • You are responsible for everything you record on the Application and retain intellectual property rights.
  • You undertake to publish solely content to which you hold the relevant rights.
  • We are not responsible for any inappropriate content posted by users or persons assimilated to users.
  • You undertake to respect the intellectual property of any element that does not belong to you in full ownership.
  • We do our utmost to guarantee the security and availability of the Application but are only bound by an obligation of means.


WARNING: Before starting to use Kaligo and in addition to reading these terms and conditions of use, you undertake to comply with your obligations relating to the processing of student data. In particular, you must ensure that you have obtained the agreement of the administration or authority to which you report, as well as any parental authorisation that may be required.

To help you, the French Ministry of Education and Youth provides information tools available on the https://eduscol.education.fr/398/protection-des-donnees-personnelles-et-assistance page

This link is provided for information purposes only. Learn & Go is not responsible for the content of the page, nor for any changes to the URL.

If you are not under the authority of the French government or French laws, please contact the person responsible for guiding you.


 Installation and use of the Application


Acceptance of the terms and conditions of use

Use of the Application is subject to the User’s acceptance of these conditions of use.

By accepting them, the User undertakes to comply with the stipulations and to visit our site regularly to keep abreast of any updates, for the duration of use.


Creation of the User account

When creating a Kaligo account, the User undertakes to provide true and up-to-date information about him or herself.


Duration of subscription and user account

The duration of the subscription is the period subscribed to by the licensee.

The user account will be maintained for the duration of the subscription and for one month after the end of the subscription.


Suspension of the User’s Subscription and deletion of the account

In the event of a breach of these terms and conditions of use, the Publisher may unilaterally suspend the User’s account and, after formal notice and if no corrective action is taken to put an end to the breach, decide to permanently delete the account.

In the event of criminal behaviour of a particularly serious nature or behaviour which may harm the interests of third parties, such as those referred to in the following article “User obligations”, the account will be suspended immediately by the Publisher, pending corrective action or any administrative, civil or legal proceedings as applicable.


Obligations of the User

The User undertakes to comply with these terms and conditions of use and with all applicable national, European and international law.

The User declares that the information provided at the time of registration is true and up to date.

The User undertakes to respect the rights and freedoms of adults and minors whose data is on the Application.

The User also undertakes not to disseminate any content, whatever its nature or form:

  • infringing image rights or privacy rights ;
  • aimed at advertising or constituting the dissemination of advertising;
  • infringing the intellectual property rights of third parties, in particular with regard to copyright or trademark law;
  • infringing the interests and rights of third parties;
  • inciting the consumption of alcohol, tobacco or illegal substances;
  • that incites hatred, violence, the commission of an offence, a crime or an act of terrorism, or suicide;
  • which constitutes harassment;
  • may be deemed abusive, threatening, defamatory, xenophobic, racist, anti-Semitic, pornographic, paedophilic, revisionist, homophobic or sexist;
  • contains any virus or any computer program likely to interrupt, alter, destroy or limit the functionalities of any computer or computer network;
  • in breach of the confidentiality of correspondence;
  • and, in general, any Content that is contrary to the law, public order or morality, or that is likely to divert the Application from its initial purpose.



The information and/or exercises appearing on the Application and/or accessible via it come from sources considered to be reliable.

However, this information and/or exercises may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors.

The Publisher reserves the right to correct such errors as soon as they are brought to its attention.

It is strongly recommended that you check the accuracy and relevance of the information and exercises made available on the Application.

The use of the information and exercises available on the Application is the sole responsibility of the User, who assumes all consequences that may arise therefrom, without the Publisher being held liable in this respect, and without recourse against the latter.

The Publisher may under no circumstances be held liable for any damage of any nature whatsoever resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and/or exercises available on this site.

The Publisher has no general obligation to monitor the data and content provided by Users, nor any obligation to delete content that does not appear to be manifestly illegal, notwithstanding the fact that it has been reported.


Access, changes and upgrades made to the Application

Learn & Go reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to the Application or to all or part of the services provided by this means, for reasons beyond its control or for technical reasons linked in particular to the need to update the services, to modify them, to ensure maintenance, and, in general, for any other technical and organisational reason, without its liability being incurred as a result.

Learn & Go reserves the right to make changes to its Application or to the terms of access to the services, particularly on a technical level.

Furthermore, Learn & Go reserves the right to permanently or temporarily cease one or more services available on the Application, subject to prior notice where applicable, without any compensation for the User and without its liability being incurred as a result.


Protection of personal data

Learn & Go complies with national and European regulations on the protection of personal data, in particular the RGPD (2016/679).

During the direct testing phases with its users and exclusively within the framework of projects where this is explicitly provided for, Learn & Go is responsible for processing and complies with its personal data management policy available on the https://www.kaligo-apps.com/fr/donnees-personnelles/ page.

When you use Kaligo as a teacher, you or the authority to which you report are the data controller and, as such, you undertake to comply with your obligations and to make the declarations or request the authorisations necessary for your processing.

When you use Kaligo from a student account as an adult representative or parent of a student, you must only do so within the framework of the lessons and instructions given by the school, respecting the pre-established parameters.


Security of personal data:

Learn & Go undertakes to do everything in its power to protect users’ personal data. By express agreement, this is an obligation of means.

Learn & Go undertakes to do everything in its power to protect users’ personal data. By express agreement, this is an obligation of means.

A personal data management policy is available on the https://www.kaligo-apps.com/data-privacy-policy/.

A personal data processing agreement (DPA) is also appended to the general terms and conditions of sale accepted by the buyer.

Learn & Go uses a sub-contractor for the following operations:

– Cloud storage server :


2 Rue Kellermann,

59100 Roubaix


Modification of the terms and conditions of use

Learn & Go reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions of use at any time and without notice.

All users are therefore invited to regularly consult the latest updated version of the T&Cs available on our website.

In the event that you continue to use the Application after notification of a change to the terms and conditions of use, you will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the new terms and conditions of use and will be subject to them by operation of law.



If, as a result of a court decision that has become final, any one of the stipulations herein should prove to be null and void with regard to a rule of law in force, it will then be deemed unwritten, without this resulting in the nullity of the GCU or altering the validity of the other stipulations.


Applicable law

These terms and conditions of use are governed by French law.