As we approach the summer term, we know you will be preparing for end of term assessments, particularly the Phonics Screening Check. Find out in this article how Kaligo can help students in preparing this phonics assessment.
What is the Phonics Screening Check?
The Phonics Screening Check is a mandatory assessment for Year 1 students in England. It evaluates their ability to decode words using phonics by testing their reading of real and nonsense words. This assessment helps identify students needing extra support in phonics, guiding teachers in providing tailored interventions for improved reading skills.
Kaligo and Phonics: the Perfect Partnership!
Whilst we are aware not all schools will partake in this test, Kaligo can support your pupils to reach their potential and aim to meet end of year expectations.
Kaligo’s school library already provides an extensive bank of phonics lessons from Phase 2 to Phase 5, including common exception words. Within these lessons, you can modify and challenge specific groups to assess their application of reading, writing and spelling phonemes across the phases.
Exercises to Enhance Phonics using Kaligo
Please see below an example lesson demonstrating different ways to enhance your phonics lessons using all Kaligo’s features.
Lesson: ‘ai’ digraph lesson
- I can write in cursive
- Spelling (look, cover, write) – Spell ‘ai’ words
- I tick – Real words and nonsense words
- I can circle the correct answer(s) – Phoneme spotter
- I can order and group – Sorting/recognising ‘ai’ words
- I practise drawing – Draw things/objects with the ‘ai’ sound
Developing phonics lessons within Kaligo
We have seen schools use phonics and Kaligo in many ways such as, whole class teaching, small focus groups and interventions. If your school would like further support in developing your phonics lessons within Kaligo, please get in touch.
Have you already had success with Kaligo supporting your phonics teaching ? We’d love to hear how and share great practice among our users.
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