I can control my pencil pressure


is an exercise to practice holding the pencil and the pressure. The objective is to offer different exercises with illustrations, mandalas, interactive colouring images, with real time visual feedback depending the applied pressure. This exercise can be personalized in the teacher mode.

Practice and master the pressure through different exercises with mandalas, illustrations, etc.

Real time analysis with visual feedback depicting the pressure applied

Practice and master the pressure through different exercises along with an instant analysis through visual feedback.

Train and master your pressure to reproduce different graphic strokes.

Practice and master pressure to change the thickness of the ink when colouring an image.

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I can practise tracing patterns

I can write capital letters

I can write in lower-case letters

I can write in precursive

I can write in cursive

I can write numbers

I can practise tracing lines

Targets fine motor in early years and an Introduction to cursive handwritng

I can draw

I know my shapes and can outline them

I can identify different 
letters and words

I can circle the correct answer(s)