12 Curriculum Aligned Handwriting and Spelling Exercises


Kaligo enables teachers to adapt their handwriting lessons to match the handwriting scheme deployed in their school. Kaligo allows exercises to be differentiated to meet the needs of all students.

Discover our pressure exercise

I can control my pencil pressure

Please note this exercise requires a stylus adapted for pressure recognition.

Discover our graphic exercises

I can practise tracing patterns

I can practise tracing lines

Targets fine motor in early years and an Introduction to cursive handwritng

I can draw

Discover our writing and spelling exercises

I can write capital letters

I can write in lower-case letters

I can write in precursive

I can write in cursive

I can write numbers

Discover our visual exercises

I know my shapes
and can outline them

I can identify different
letters and words

Discover our SPaG exercises

I can circle the correct answer(s)